Thank you for joining our community!
We look forward to growing together along the way.
After I finished writing my first technique book I swore I would never write anything similar again. This is mostly because I realized as an educator once you write something down, there is a sense that the words you use will forever be attached to you and judged against you as times change. Music is part of an ongoing journey in which we all take part. Some theories change over time as we discover new things and some stay the same. All of that being said, I want to go ahead and say that all of this program expresses not the right or wrong way of doing things, but mearly how I have approached these concepts as both a tuba player and a bassist. Take what you like and use it. Take what you dont like and lose it. There are no hard feelings! I never mean to be preachy in any of my teachings as all I can really do is offer a view from my perspective. I hope you are able to find some things in this course to help move you forward. I also hope that you can pay it forward and extend your knowledge to others. I always believe that rising tide raises all ships. As we continue to grow as a tuba community we all push each other forward constantly. In coming up with a name for this program, I almost wanted to use the title “Things I Wish Someone Told Me Early in my Development as a Tuba Player” but that just doesn’t flow off of the tongue very well. Although the title may now be catchy, that is what this course is really about. I want to extend a big thank you for being a part of this journey and I look forward to where this brings us. Also, a big shoutout to my friends over at JazzMemes who convinced me to take this material (which I originally had written as a book) and offer it in its current digital form, which is WAY more work by the way but also way more beneficial to you. Anyways, I will stop talking and let you get into it. Cheers!
How it Works
The home base for this course is called our “Dashboard” page. That is where you will find the links for all of your course materials. At any point in time you can visit our website and click on “Dashboard” in the menu to access this members only area. The course will can be accessed at anytime for an entire year from your inital purchase date.
The next 4 weeks are all laid out in the dashboard. Each day contains a lesson or set of lessons for that day. Some days will have more information and some days will have less information. Our goal is to spread everything out in a meaningful manner to that best serves you. As you continue on through the course, it is important to complete all of the lessons in order. Although it may be tempting to skip though material and jump to some of the bigger exercises in the later lessons, doing so would deprive you of some really important information along the way. Every lesson is built on the shoulders of previous lessons from week one through week four. At the bottom of the dashboard you will find our “Artist Spotlight Series” where we feature some great tidbits of information from some of the best out there in the industry. I encourage you to take notes, write stuff down and keep a journal of your progress. At any point in time, if you feel stuck or need some help, feel free to shoot us a message. You are not in this thing alone and we are here if you need guidance.
We hope you enjoy the hours and hours of content we have created for you and we wish you the best of luck!